Safer Access for all National Societies

Increasing acceptance, security and access to people and communities in need

National Red Cross and Red Crescent Produced in cooperation
with National Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies

Safer Access in brief video

The Safer Access Framework (SAF) contains a set of action and measures that can be taken by a National Society in response to context-specific challenges and priorities to reduce and mitigate the risks that it may face in sensitive and insecure contexts and to earn the trust and acceptance of people and communities with humanitarian needs and of those who control access to them. Most of the concepts underpinning SAF are not new to National Societies as they concern various familiar organizational development and capacity-building actions. The key then is to use the framework as a tool to guide the programmes, decisions and actions of the National Society in order to maintain and or strengthen acceptance, security and access to communities in need.

The short video offers a brief overview of the Safer Access Framework. Delegations and National Societies may use the video for sensitization sessions.

The video has been produced with the support of the Norwegian Red Cross.

The video is also available in Chinese (“安全行动”简介), Russian (Коротко о более безопасном доступе), Spanish (Acceso más seguro) and Farsi